Vendor Database

The Hibernia Project has a vendor database that is used to identify possible suppliers and contractors to participate in the project. Suppliers and contractors are encouraged to register. The database also allows for the collection of voluntary information to assist the project in recording engagement with businesses owned by members of designated groups (Note: You are not required to complete these additional fields).

Hibernia Management and Development Company, Ltd. , operator of the Hibernia Project will use the database in the operations phase of the project. We also see value in expanding use of the database to the Hebron Project as well as project co-venturers and co-owners should they request information. The increased visibility to these major projects and other noted industry participants may be of value to your organization as it has the potential to increase future procurement opportunities.

DISCLAIMER: By registering your company in the vendor database you are consenting to making your information available to the parties noted above in addition to the Hibernia Project.

NOTE: Registration in the database does not imply that a supplier or contractor is approved as a qualified supplier, nor does it indicate that a supplier or contractor is included on any tender list for the supply of goods or services for which it has registered.

Upcoming Hibernia procurement opportunities will be posted on this website, the Energy NL website ( and BIDSAlert website (

Click here to access the vendor registration system.